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Hello, I'm


Maxwell Bruce

Welcome to my website! Here, you'll find detailed insights into my professional journey, including an overview of my public projects, experience, community involvement, and achievements in computer science. Should you wish to connect, please don't hesitate to reach out through the "Contact Me" button below!


Work Experience:

  • Intern Modelling and Analysis Engineer - SAAB (11/2023-Present):
    • Developed and validated models to simulate and analyse defence systems.
    • Utilized various machine learning algorithms.
    • Used various basic electrical engineering principles.
  • Machine Learning Researcher - Australian Institute for Machine Learning (4/2023-Present):
    • Researched various machine learning algorithms.
    • Projects worked on included SVM’s, Large Language Models, and Neural Networks.
  • Accountant - RJC Evans & Co Pty Ltd (4/2020–4/2023):
    • Prepared Income Tax Returns and Financial Statements.
    • Corresponded with Clients.
    • Conducted Audits.


  • University of Adelaide - Bachelor of Computer Science with Honours – Graduating November 2024
  • University of Adelaide – Bachelor of Commerce with major in Accounting and Corporate Finance – Complete
  • Stanford University and DeepLearning.AI – Machine Learning Specialization Course
  • DeepLearning.AI – Deep Learning Specialization Course
  • St Peters College – High School


  • Adelaide University - Summer Research Scholarship
  • Adelaide University - The Software Engineering Award

Community Involvements:

  • Treasurer/Committee Member – Competitive Programming Club (Adelaide University)
  • Student – Ravi’s Study Program
  • Player – Adelaide University Football Club
  • Competitor - Competitive Programming Club (Adelaide University)
  • Member - Adelaide Computer Science Club


  • Competitive Programming
  • Machine Learning
  • Financial Markets
  • Exercise
  • Football
  • Portfolio Website Icon

    My Portfolio Website

    A simple portfolio website showcasing myself.

    GitHub Link

    Language Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Vue.js

  • Jenkins DORA Plugin Icon

    Jenkins DORA Plugin

    A team project creating a plugin for Jenkins that collects all DORA metrics for development teams through the creation of a pipeline and integration of SAST tool.

    GitHub Link

    Language Used: Java, Python, Pipeline DSL, Shell Script, PromQL and AWS CloudFormation Language

    In Progress
  • Price Predictor Icon

    Neural Network Price Predictor

    A ML project which without using any machine learning libraries creates a neural network to predict the prices of shares based on quarterly reports. I am currently implementing better consideration of industries in predictions.

    GitHub Link

    Language Used: Python

    In Progress
  • Web Scraper Icon

    Web Scraper for Stock Prices

    A aspect of what is planned to be a bigger project in which data is scraped quickly and efficiently on defined intervals.

    GitHub Link

    Language Used: C++

  • Share Simulator Icon

    Historical Share Simulator

    A project where a user through terminal prompts can buy and sell shares based on real historical data.

    GitHub Link

    Language Used: C++
